The Power to Heal: On all Levels of Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical

by Dori Luneski, RN, ND



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/31/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 412
ISBN : 9781588201904

About the Book

In a society with epidemic levels of disease, it is sensible to practice the principles of health, and prevent disease. Otherwise you are left treating the symptoms of disease--again--and again--and again. The body is an interrelated system. Except for life threatening situations, the body should be treated as a whole unit--simply--and with recommendations that balance all body functions. Some excellent health-oriented books deal with individual subjects, like nutrition in one book, elimination in another, exercise in another, and personal development in still another. The Power to Heal: 2nd Edition teaches you the importance of the interrelation between all levels of spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. The Power to Heal gives you step by step instructions that guide you through the wellness process.

Wellness does not have to be a difficult subject. Learn how to deal with tension and stress through positive thinking. Eat food that is capable of providing high quality nutrition. Consume chemical and parasite free water. Be conscious of good digestion principles. Help your body eliminate waste products at a speed that allows cells to function at peak performance. Exercise to enjoy life and promote a healthy circulatory and lymphatic system. Simplify the complex subject of supplementation. Protect yourself from electromagnetic polluted frequencies. These subjects, and much more, add up to common sense! DO NOT GET LOST IN ONE SINGLE SUBJECT, AT THE EXCLUSION OF OTHER BALANCING NEEDS. No given day is a test of all your knowledge perfectly implemented. Relax--enjoy your learning experience. Take pride in learning how to take responsibility for your health. Take care of your body--and your body will take care of you.

So dear reader, we can reach the end of a pleasant health education journey together. As you close the back cover of The Power to Heal, you will open a door to a higher quality of life. The Power to Heal will always be on your library shelf to refresh your memory, or just to remind you that assuming self-responsibility for your health is exciting and rewarding. You can now build self-confidence, and an enthusiasm that makes daily decisions easier. Dr. Earl Mindell, who sold over 10 million copies of Vitamin Bible, endorses The Power to Heal. I congratulate you for buying this book--you are worth it!

About the Author


For 20 years, Dori was chronically ill, and struggling with poor health on all levels of mental, emotional and physical. She became so ill she was often bedridden, and the quality of life was gone. Life itself became a challenge in survival. Finally, she found doctors who treated the CAUSE of illness instead of just the symptoms. She learned the "laws" of wellness, and experienced an incredible metamorphosis. The cocoon of a sickly body became a healthy, vital person. Now at 66, people meeting her for the first time marvel at her vitality, energy and enthusiasm. People who knew her during her many years of illness are amazed at her improved health.


Dori has been a leader in the health field for 45 years. Past career work that has contributed to her holistic view of wellness includes work at two prevention oriented health clinics for 12 years, being a rehabilitation nurse for two years, three years doing personal development seminars and working as a psychiatric nurse for 6 years. That background, her Naturopathic Doctor diploma, and eight years as a Naturopathic practitioner gives her insight into all aspects of wellness and stress management.


Dori is a trained professional in public speaking through the National Speakers Association, and delivers speeches, seminars, and courses on stress management, and self-responsibility in health care. She is a one-stop source of information on all levels of spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical. Her credits include radio and television appearances.


Dori has written four wellness books. the 2nd edition of Health Metamorphosis, and her latest book, The Power to Heal, were both endorsed by Dr. Earl Mindell who sold over 10 million copies of The Vitamin Bible. She has written a regular health article for a newspaper for the past 6 years. Currently she is working on a series of children’s books dealing with health and wellness.