A Glimpse From Christmas Past

by D. C. Donahue



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/19/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 32
ISBN : 9781481740272
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 32
ISBN : 9781481740289

About the Book

While doing some last minute shopping on Christmas Eve a man has a magical experience. He watches a child preparing to get on Santa's lap through a shop window and is reminded about a special Christmas memory. When the child gets down Santa makes eye contact with the man and they are immediately taken back to a moment they had shared (in his past). So the story unfolds as he stares through a window of time at a Glimpse from Christmas Past…

About the Author

The author was born in the close community of Southwest Philadelphia, PA during the wonder years. His family moved to its western suburbs where he met and married his beautiful wife (editor), Nancy. They still live, play and pray in the same community where they raised their four children. They currently have six grandchildren who were the inspiration behind writing this Christmas story. My wife and I hope that someday 'A Glimpse from Christmas Past' will become a treasured classic and a traditional family favorite. Be sure to checkout my latest book,' Keira in the Mirror' a story of self discovery. All of us have a curiosity of things we don’t understand at first glance. Keira is a curious toddler who loves to explore and discover things, especially about her environment. This is a delightful story about a child discovering herself in reflections in everyday situations. Every child can remember a time they were startled by their own reflection and taking a deeper look into themselves in that moment. I hope I captured that feeling in this book. It is now available and can be pre-ordered at the reasonable price of $8.95. (click on the below link) http://mascotbooks.com/mascot-marketplace/buy-books/picture-books/keira-mirror/ http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=Keira+in+the+Mirror http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/keira-in-the-mirror-dc-donahue/1120874569?ean=9781620869024 The author attend catholic grade school through eighth grade graduating from Upper Darby H.S. in 1974. Some notable alumni are Tina Fey, Jim Croce, Todd Rundgren etc... He attended St. Joseph's University but never finished his degree. However he received the inspiration by his English Lit and Comp college professor to write while attending there.