The Curse of the Ancient Greeks
A true story of a modern nation in crisis
Book Details
About the Book
The Curse of the Ancient Greeks is a contemporary novel based and inspired by real stories and current events.
It is the story of a Greek newspaper columnist born in a magical and remote mountainous peninsular stretching out in the Mediterranean, hugged by glittering turquoise coasts and dramatic cliffs. At an early age, the boy loses his father at a tragic work-related accident, which influences the rest of his life. He is shortly after taken to Athens by his mother in search of a better life.
As an adult, he finds himself in the midst of a social and economic crisis in a country facing drastic financial upheavals. His mundane struggle to stay afloat, trying to keep his job as a journalist, and his troubled family intact brings back memories of his mysterious birthplace and takes his thoughts back to the glorious age of philosophy and logic in ancient Greece.
Whilst on a vain professional search to discover the source of his country’s recent financial misfortunes, he is forced to reevaluate his most intimate relations with his family and friends, taking him on a soul-searching and unexpected romantic and philosophical journey.
About the Author
Faris Nejad is a sociologist and a political scientist, who has lived, studied and worked in the birth place of three of the richest civilizations of the ancient world. He was born and raised in Persia (Iran). At an early age his inquisitive mind took him to the foot hills of Mount Everest in India to attend school. This was followed with his residence in Athens where he studied in the filed of social sciences. He lived and worked in both coasts of the United States obtaining a Masters degree in political and social sciences. His professional career includes working for human rights organizations in Athens, New York, San Francisco and London. He is a regular contributor to Greek and international media writing on political and social issues as well as creating sketches relating to current events in Greece. Currently, Faris lives in his small animal and fruit farm opposite Mount Pelion near the quaint port city of Volos in central Greece.