Beyond Survivor – Rising from the Ashes of Childhood Sexual Abuse

A Collection of Writings

by Jan L Frayne



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/27/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781467894494
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781467894470
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781467894487

About the Book

Patricia A. McKnight: Author "My Justice" In this amazing new book “Beyond Survivor”, the very talented author, Jan Frayne, takes his readers into the arena of childhood sexual abuse recovery, battles and conquests. As one of the rare published novels from a Male Childhood Sexual Abuse Survivor, Mr. Frayne allows his readers to feel the depth of shattered mind, body and soul. “Beyond Survivor” will take you into the hurricane of emotion and strength as this boy conquers the demons and nightmares of his past. Readers will ride the rollercoaster of success as they travel through the many nightmares. This expertly written novel shows the path of standing strong and achieving what all mankind desires; retrieving the happiness once destroyed by the wicked. This collection of outstanding poetry and prose is a must read for all as inspiration to prevail against the challenges put forth in the battle to obtain our own freedom.

About the Author

I am a male survivor of childhood sexual abuse (CSA). I love words, written, spoken, and unspoken. For so many years my voice was not heard, I expressed myself through my writing. As soon as I was able to read and write, I immersed myself in books. I was able to escape through the writings of others and eventually through my own attempts. Writing enabled me to express the pain, and the shame, of what I experienced. It later helped me to cleanse myself, to heal through the medium of writing. I seem to have lived an early life surrounded by abuse of some sort. At a very early age, I was sexually abused by my grandfather. This went on for about twelve years. Others were invited to use me as they wished. There was also mental, emotional, and physical abuse from other family members. My body was almost broken, my mind fractured, but no one seemed to notice. I grew up thinking it was my fault, I deserved it. Male survivors live within a society where a stigma surrounds the abuse of boys. It took me a long time to find my voice, to be able to share the horrors that tormented me for over three decades. I hope my words help you to understand.