Faery With Teeth

Book One of the Faery Chronicles

by Kisma K. Stepanich-Reidling



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/18/2003

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 388
ISBN : 9781410740717
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 388
ISBN : 9781410740700

About the Book

Now, the author of the Faery-Faith books, the Faery Wicca series and the Gaia Tradition brings us a new novel series all about the Faery in Ireland. History and fiction merge seamlessly in Kisma K. Stepanich-Reidling's luminous novel about Faery lore and immortal awakening. Through the eyes of a Faery witness, the Otherworld comes dazzlingly alive in the lavishly imagined dramatic portrayal of the adventures an international group of Faery-Faith practitioners have, when they join Vivian McFarlain, an American tour facilitator, and Cian O'Neill, an Irish-druid as their guide, for the pilgrimage of a lifetime and come face to face with the Faery with Teeth., Book One of the Faery Chronicles.

About the Author

Kisma Reidling was born July 4, 1958, in Southern California. Of Romanian Gypsy and Irish descent, Kisma proudly claims her European heritage. She has been actively involved in spiritual practices since the mid-seventies and has published eleven books on women spirituality, earth spirituality and the Faery-Faith Tradition. She founded the Faery-Faith Network in 1994 and is considered a leading authority in Faery lore. A new exciting novel series from Kisma K. Stepanich-Reidling is The Faery Chronicles, books one, Faery With Teeth and Oceans Of Time, are now available.

Kisma leads annual sacred pilgrimages to Ireland. For more information, visit her website at: http://www.faeryfaith.org.