The Soul of the Black Butterfly

by Rasheeda J. Steward



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/23/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781477204696
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781477204887

About the Book

The Book of Psalms; written by David and other Psalmist expresses and releases their heart while giving God praises. The Author of this book has chosen to share her life through written psalms of her own. She has released from her very soul words of healing, words of enlightenment, words of truth and hope; while giving God Praise. As you read these metamorphic words of poetry you may find a shadow of your own soul. Perhaps you have found yourself faced with situations in life that has caused you to doubt the very hand of God. From her dark experiences The Soul of the Black Butterfly has bought a light of understanding to many of life's situations we face today. Whoever said the life of a Believer was going to be an easy journey? Contrary to what many hope for, this book portrays the life of a Christian is not always so easy; choices and decisions are not always clear, yet must be made. In John 16:33 Jesus makes a promising opposing statement. “…In the world you shall have tribulations…” This passage conflicts with what we care to hear; after all, before we came to Christ, most of us had been beaten down by life's mishaps already. This writer has been no exception to the many test and trials of life. In this book the Author boldly reveals how she has stood the promised persecutions and the many afflictions (Ps 34:19, 2Tim 3:12) of life. In spite of the opposing statement of Christ, the completion of John 16:33 GIVES US HOPE for Victory from life's promised trials and tribulations… and so it is with these written psalms. This freed butterfly has lived her poems and now shares her Glorious Praises and Lessons Learned with you in poetic psalms and mini-stories.

About the Author

Rasheeda J Brown; as many women wears many hats. Her hat of Mothering, Teaching and her retired Nursing skills is the unction from the one notable hat she wears as a Minister of God’s-Love. For 35 years Rasheeda has strived to perfect her walk with Christ. She has come to one conclusion; “to Serve in Faith with the unconditional Love of God” is a true Christian's walk. Her salvation is not a religion; her relationship with God is not hard, `it is' her way of life. To God be the Glory…Amen/Amen Her given name (Henrietta AJ Steward) did not depict who she was. With God's guidance, through many challenging, metamorphic trials and tribulations, she has found her place in life. Unbeknown to her, God had already ordained her life's purpose. In 1985 she was enlightened to her God-given name Rasheeda: meaning; a righteous guide-an Angel. Aka: Ladybrown; Founder and President of her nonprofit Out-Reach Ministry: “God's Connectors Inc.,” God has shown her, her ability to serve others. An Angel she has been to many; while Connecting God's people to his out stretched hand. Incredibly as it is, while she had been an angel to many; this wingless angel was broken. Like a broken winged butterfly that had been pulled from its cocoon too soon, she was destined never to fly. She lived years in a dark cocoon while…in God's-hovering-Grace, where she studied the word of God and herself, receiving healing from life's hurts and VOP. Finally, the Divine-healing of her wings came in the summer of 2010. Now, she looks forward to soaring higher in Christ everyday…! This book of psalms is her story. As you read she promises Enjoyment, Comfort, Hope, Peace, Increased Faith, perhaps a little tear shedding but for sure Enlightenment into your own Butterfly Soul.