It All Adds Up

So Teach Us To Number Our Days, That We May Apply Our Hearts To Wisdom (Psalms 90 vs12)

by Rev. Craig E. Wright Ph.D.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/26/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9781410757241

About the Book

“Know Thy Self” is an old adage that is still meaningful today.  If you have discovered that:  you can’t be all things to all people, you can’t do all things at once, you can’t do things equally well, you can’t do all things better than everyone else and that your humanity is showing, just like everyone else, then; this book will help you: find out who you are so you can be that, decide what comes first so you can do that, discover your strengths so you can use them and teach you not to compete with others because no one else is in the business of being you.  “It All Adds Up”!!

About the Author

Craig Wright is an ordained metaphysical minister and a certified metaphysical practitioner. He holds an undergrad degree in psychology from the University ofMaryland and a masters degree in metaphysical science from the University of Metaphysics in Studio City, California. For over 35 years Craig has conducted workshops, seminars and classes. He has a wide array of clients in the U.S. and abroad who consult with him regularly concerning higher self, higher purpose, and divine will.