Dreams, Past Lives, Holy Spirits, Your Soul !

by Lynn Mystic-Healer



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/31/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 180
ISBN : 9781588202734
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 180
ISBN : 9781403388001

About the Book

Are you feeling like, "What is the use; lost , lonely, angry, depressed, anxious or just blue?" This book is for you. You can learn how to "Soul-Tap." You can learn how, when, and why to use your omniscient power daily. I've included several of my client's spiritual hypnotherapy stories. You can find the meaning of your dreams, your past lives and go into the future. You can meet your holy spirits (angels and deceased relatives) directly.. These are teachers that are connected to your soul, and they have perfect knowledge for you. You can find your Soul purpose , learn life lessons, astral travel, use healing energies,become more psychic,  find spiritual answers... Lynn will connect your Soul to the   intergalactic Soul Matrix.

About the Author

I, Lynn Mystic-Healer, was a former RN (US and CANADA), CHt and member of the OHA (Oregon Hypnotherapy Association and ABH (Ameican Board of Hypnotherapy),33 years in the Healing Arts, international businness woman, author of 3 books, 6 Healing and recovery Cds, Veteran's for Peace, Medical Intuitive, Love and Light Energetic Healing Teacher,  founder of  Spiritual Emergency Training .

Lynn grew up in a military family. Whatever we focus on grows and we are focusing too many thoughts on  violence, terror, abusive sexuality, wars and drug use. 

 I had a NDE, (near death experience) and realized I must pursue meditation, and Hypnotherapy. The more courses I took about Hypnotherapy the better I felt. Hypnotherapy was the way out of all my old addictive habits, stuck problems, poor choices, wrongful relationships, and soooo much more! It was incredible! We have a Medical Hypnosis Insurnace code #90880.

Doreen Virtue PhD said that I was a ''Great, Great priestess" and that I had a gift to share  connecting people to their own spirit guide realm. These Holy Spirits (angels and spirit guides ) come directly to my clients to help them heal in ways that no one else (nor any drug) can. They give them the love and wisdom they need to heal their life problems.   

 We all have a Soul Matrix energy that Lynn will help you connect to that is full of omniscient loving light that is omnipotent and has omnipresent spirit guides and inner guidance waiting to help you  find your spiritual answers.   http://www.angelencounters.net/